Find the video that you want to embed onto your website. For this tutorial I will be using a video on Youtube, and the video is titled "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)."
After finding the video you want to use scroll until you see the share button below the video. It should be placed between the amount of likes the video has and the download button.
Click on the share button and click on the "embed" button. The icon should show two brackets.
A new screen should show up, and on the right hand side is the html code for your embedded video. You can choose where you want the video to start, and whether or not you want the player controls to show. In this example, I will be starting the video at 0:00 and will show the player controls. You can also enable privacy-enhanced mode, which will make it to where "Youtube won't store information about visitors on your website unless they play the video." For this example I will be turning this off.
Once you choose your preferred options either highlight the text and copy it manually, or press the copy button at the bottom right corner of the menu.
After copying the code open the html file for your web page and paste it on a new line. When you paste it onto a new line the result should look something like this: